Stanley's surgery

As I mentioned in that little test post, 
 the last post that I worked on disappeared.
It's been so hot here...
Maybe it melted.
Or maybe it's hiding alongside of all of the bowls that
 belong to the countless extra lids in my drawer.
So...   Now I start over.
Today makes a week since Stanley had his first leg operated on.

Here he is with his dad just before he went back for surgery.
Before I tell you about everything,  let me just tell you this...
This is one good puppy!!!
Since both legs were equally bad,  the surgeon said that it was basically a coin toss on which leg received the first TPLO.
The winner was the right leg.
The surgery went very well and we were able to bring him home on Saturday.  The first day he was sore and groggy and slept most of the day.  That evening with our help he did walk outside to do his  potty business.  
  Now,  he is walking and beginning to put pressure on it.
His bionic puppy leg
For the next 8 weeks it is imperative that Stanley does not climb any stairs,  No rough playing,  No running,  No jumping and climbing on furniture.
Failure to do so could result in a screw breaking and could be catastrophic.
Do you know how hard it is to keep a 2yr old Lab from being active?
This white hiney though...
Don't ya just want to squeeze it!! : )
Here you can see that the incision is healing very nicely.
On Monday,  he goes back to have the staples removed.

For the next 7 weeks this is Stanley's hangout.

This folding gate is awesome.  
Sometimes we let him out and put the other dogs

but most times you will find me or Paul laying in there with him.
I'm so thankful..  so far - so good.
He is a real trooper!
 Well,   my little blog helper is starting to move around..
Time for puppy duty.
See you all next time.


  1. Aw, wishing him a speedy recovery:@)

  2. Glad to hear all went well with Stanley's surgery and that he heals quickly. I've had a lab and know what you mean about how hard it is keep one calm. : )

  3. Owww your poor dog ..i hope he Will recover from me Ria πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™


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