A snowy start to Valentines weekend

     I knew that it was supposed to snow last night,

  But I had no idea that I was going to wake up to this beautiful scene.

( I never trust the actual weather forecasts)

It was the perfect day to make the critters a
little valentines/snow day treat 

I set the GoPro nearby to get some cute shots.

Are you all ready for Valentines?

We were going to order a good dinner and hang out Quarantine style.
I might make my sweetie a cheesecake.

I mailed my mother in laws valentines gift last week. 
She is suffering from Dementia so I always try to add some labeled photos, 
treats and a little something that she can share with her roommates and nurses.

It's been a whole year since we've seen her in person 
And it sucks!
But we do get to visit with her over video chats~  so that helps.

The dogs and I are about to go try out the new mattress...
I haven't been getting much sleep lately,
I sure hope this helps!! 

Have a great weekend everyone.
I'll be back tomorrow.  


  1. Beautiful!!!!
    I want to come over right now and have coffee and cake in that beautiful space.
    And thank you for the video.
    I so enjoyed seeing that!
    And I think I will get off my butt and set out something for our little creatures.
    Hugs and lots of love for a dear dear friend!

  2. I love the treats for the birds! And that cardinal -- perfect Valentine's bird. I wish we had some around here, they are just the prettiest of birds.

  3. We have lots of snow too. Looks like you're all decorated for Valentine's Day.

  4. Your room looks sooo pretty! Yes - snow here too. I love it ♥

  5. So love your Valentine room. So very festive for a snowy day! Hope you have a fantastic Valentine's! Janice

  6. The red really pops from the snow outside!
    Hope you get better sleep.

    Happy Valentine's Day my friend.

    M : )


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