Happy Groundhog day


How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

And I was today old when I found out that a woodchuck and a groundhog are actually the same thing.

I just googled it. 

So I can say that quote over and over again and drive my family crazy on this Groundhog day.

Aren't these little critters cute!
I made them last year and I'm pretty sure that I didn't share them on the blog.
I might have been on one of my blog vacations sippin Margarita's.

Happy Groundhog's day!

This year I'm lazy so I'm just going to share some pictures from last year..
sally and I are the only ones who eat this junk anyway
and lord knows,  I don't need any more junk.

It would have been nice of me to share these long before actual Groundhog day..
To be honest,  I forgot all about it.
Forgetting things seems to be a growing trend.
Did I even put underwear on today?

Stay with me... 10 years from now should be real fun.

Okay,  back to the cute groundhog things.

You need..   chocolate frosted cupcakes and everything else on this picture.

* melting chocolate  - not pictured
round nutter butters
sunflower seeds
brown M&Ms
chocolate covered oreos

Use melted chocolate as the glue and assemble,
just like this.

Pop the groundhog cookie on top of the cupcake and bam!
You are awesome!

So,  what do you think Phil is gonna say about spring?
I don't even care.
The 17 yr cicada's are due to arrive in our region this year...
I'm keeping myself quarantined into they are gone.

2020/21 has been hard enough.. 
I can't deal with the cicada's. 

Have a great day everyone
Stay safe and healthy


  1. Could you be any more amazing??
    Look at those precious cupcakes!
    We are having some too. Bought!
    What are these things you speak of?? Will they be here too??
    Great.Just great.
    Have a cozy day!

  2. I don't think I've ever met anyone who celebrated every.single.holiday.including.groundhog day! You're amazing. And these cookies make me reconsider my disdain for groundhog day, LOL! My sincere apologies to Puxatony Phil.

  3. 6 more weeks 'til winter or 6 more weeks to Spring? Which will it be? I like those chucky-cheeks cakes! So cute. We have those danged tree bugs too (can't spell cicada) and their song is nerve grating!

  4. Those cakes are wonderful ...so cute...love Ria 🍀💕🍀

  5. How cute are these! I watched Philon tv this morning. They sure do go all out and he saw his shadow. Janice


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