Thursday randomness

   I am kicking myself for not upgrading my personal computer sooner.
I forgot how much fun I used to have creating things.

Right now I am elbow deep in a brand new Halloween magazine.
Yes.. I said Halloween in February.

And me and my graham crackers even made a cameo on the cover.

Because seriously..  I just want to be my own version of Martha.
The dog hair and F bomb version..  because it does slip out a lot!

Remember the last issue?
I believe it was 2018

2021's will be so much better, 
Because I have plenty of time to play with it.

I've also been writing a lot.
Another thing that I would spend those sleepless hours doing -  that I haven't done in a long time.

I used to share some of my stories with my friend Karen, 
who has been bugging me for years to write book.

I'm not that good.

Last week I started working on writing prompts again.
(You take a topic or a dialog line and you build from it)
of course,  I sent them to Karen who encouraged me once again. 

And then an idea came to me...
Write Karen a fluffy romance novel for her birthday!!

Although I have been enjoying this new computer
I promise.. 
I don't sit here all day and stare it the screen.

Most days I am meeting my daily step quota

There is a lot of Clubbing in the kitchen
Kitchen dance parties!
Do you do that.. 
It's a great way to get your heart pumping while you clean up.

Miss Charlotte just looks at me like I'm crazy.


Have you guys read this one?

It took me a minute to get into it,
but once I did, I couldn't put it down!

It's sooooo good!!

Right now I am about a quarter of the way through When We Believed In Mermaids 
and it is also very good.   I can't wait to see where the story goes!

There's more,  but this post is already random enough. 

It's a beautiful and very cold morning,
and I need another cup of coffee and a shower before I tackle this day.

Happy Thursday friends. 

Wishing you all good health and peace.


  1. Ok. YES!
    You are Martha Stewart. ONLY BETTER!
    And you can publish a book!
    I want a signed copy. But maybe a horror/slasher one????
    I am thrilled you got a new computer.
    I am thrilled you blogging.
    And, I am pre ordering a copy of the Halloween magazine. Right now!

  2. Will have to get my hands on that magazine. Janice

  3. Love the look on Charlotte's face! I really like When We Believed in Mermaids.Also The Art of Inheriting Secrets, by the same author. Your magazine looks great!

  4. Your fur baby, Charlotte, is so cute!! I am impressed with your magazine. (And Halloween should be celebrated year 'round in my opinion...I love it) I try for 10k steps too!

  5. You go girl!
    Love the Charlotte's reaction, so funny!

    M : )

  6. I'm sure Martha does her share of cussing, but you'd be more fun I'm sure!
    Charlottes FACE. LOL!!
    I love clubbing in the kitchen. Or the bathroom. Or the garage....who cares?
    I love that you're writing a book for your friend; so very sweet.


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