I recently tackled two easy projects - and I mean EASY!

This WAS my coffee bar...

Remember,  I like instant gratification and this is an old house.  
I can pretty much do whatever I want in here.
The cabinets have been painted many times and many colors, the counter tops have been painted,
Yes,  I painted the counter tops.
(It's that Rustoleum stuff and it's been about 10 years since I originally painted over the ugly almond colored laminate counters. )
And that white subway tile backsplash... It's peel and stick!

It's been about 4 years since I stuck those tiles on and recently I noticed that they were really starting to bubble and lift up.   They were looking real bad.

It is definitely time to spruce them up!!

I ordered a bold black and white peel and stick online and within five minutes of them being delivered, 
I was in the kitchen pulling the old stuff down.  
 The whole project took me about a half hour.

For some reason I was drawn to this pattern.   As soon as I saw them online,  I could picture them in my kitchen.

And once I had them hung up,
I figured it out.
This is why I was so attracted to these tiles....

Dollhouse Kitchen
Real Kitchen

Hah.  Now it makes perfect sense!

So,  here's the before again.

And here it is afterward.

Oh..  and let me tell you about that ugly apple canister.  That's makeover #2.
This apple belonged to my parents and it goes back to my farthest memories.
My mom had a set of 4 or 5 of them.
The largest ( the one I have) had Raleigh Coupons in it  ~  Do you know what they are?
and the smallest apple was full of matches.  
 They're the only ones that I can remember.

Anyhow,  I found this one in my dad's house after he passed away almost 30 years ago and it's been in my kitchen holding loose change ever since.

A few coats of spray paint later and 
now it is Brand scratch and dent New.  


It's ironic that I'm sharing the apple today...
Today would have been my dad's 74th birthday.

He passed when he was just 45 years old 
- almost 5 years younger than I am right now.  
It's so hard to imagine him in his seventies. 

But boy how I wish he was here!


Hope that you enjoyed the random little makeovers.
I'm all about quick and easy projects!

Stay safe and have a great Sunday.


  1. I love the black and white tile. The apple looks brand new and how special to still have that. I know you miss your dad very much.

    1. HI Mildred!! I hope that you are doing well!!!

  2. Like you backsplash. I have a similar pattern but it is sliver and looks just like tin though it is plastic. So easy to clean.
    Like the apple canisters too. Your dad died so young, so sad. My dad died 20 years ago when he was 79.

  3. You did an awesome job on your backsplash! Love the color. Great job on the apple. Your dad would be proud. Janice

  4. Love your new color scheme, you are so great at decorating! So sad about your dad, I can imagine how much you miss him, as I do mine. Take care

  5. Looking good! The "after" is a nice change.
    Miss my Dad too but I think yours would like your apple

    Take care!

    M : )

  6. I like your foot tattoo. My DIL has a dragonfly on her foot which I like. I like the quote from Eat, Pray, Love: god dwells in me as me for a tattoo. But I'm not in a hurry to get one, don't want any regrets. Very nice backsplash DIY. Stay safe.

  7. I LOVE your coffee bar makeover! I need to check out those stick tiles. My kitchen is so plain and could really use some jazzing up! The apple looks good. Anything that you can attach a memory to is a treasure! I have a few treasures from my childhood that I took from my dad's house after he passed away too.


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