4 months

 Why are Michael Myers and Laurie Strode staring back at you?
They are here because that is where I left off.


I'm sorry to have dropped off of the blog so unexpectedly and for so long.
To my defense...  time did go by really fast!!
Look at us,  we're already heading toward March.

The crazy thing is...
I have not turned on this laptop since October when I last updated.
Now,  I remember why I hate it so much. 
It's a horrible junky machine.

Sooo..  to try to catch up with the short and sweet version..
 Halloween was awesome.
Both the season and the movie.
November brought the passing of my mom's  brother.
My uncle Jeff was the last of my elder relatives
and his loss was just another reminder of how fast life passes us by.
 Thanksgiving was calm and nice. 
As always, there was much to be thankful for. 
( looking at this picture makes me miss fall)

Christmas was so nice. 
The season was busy as usual but we did take time to have some family fun.
Of course I was sick during the first week of December...
we always get sick around the holidays.
Stanley went back for his follow up appointment and his leg was healing wonderfully.
The doctor put off the 2nd surgery until he absolutely needs it.
Which,  at 5K a leg,  we were okay with postponing the surgery.
As you can see...  he is getting around well!
Back when I last updated this blog
I had begun working on the ultimate self challenge.
If you've been with me long enough, 
you know that this isn't the first time.
But..  it is the most successful. 
I stopped in mid-October by using nicotine patches and gum.
 I drew a set of lungs in my planner and every day that I did not smoke I colored a slice of lung pink.
It seemed to take forever to reach those first 30 days.
And look at me now,  122 Days!
Oh..  and I gave up the nicotine replacements on New Years Eve.
I think I conquered the beast!
I picked up a new hobby this year too..
The Holidays, quitting smoking and premenopause have really added the pounds to my waist.
I mean,  these pounds are in deep...  Even after hiking over 30 miles this week,  I can not shake them!!!    
But I'm gonna keep lacing my boots and moving!
Valentines Day.
This brings me to a very special thank you.
We celebrated a nice little simple Valentines in our house.
 I mean..  what's better than a heart themed dinner!
Every week I write "update Blog" in my planner
 and it was this special Valentines card that gave me the extra push this week.

And look who it's from...

I'm sure you all know Melinda from Country Dreaming.
She is a sweetheart!
Thank you so much Melinda for getting me motivated to fight this computer again.  : )
I missed participating in the valentine card party this year..
I tried,  I just couldn't get everyone's schedule to mesh.
I greatly appreciate those of you who reached out to me.
I love my bloggy friends!!!!   
As for now.. 
I had 3 teeth pulled this morning,
I'm going to spend the evening much like I do on any other night..
chilling with my fur babies. 
I miss reading and being inspired by each and every one of you.
see you soon.


  1. Leslie, it is so, so good to have you back! Thanks for catching us up on all that's been going on with you. I'm sorry to hear about your uncle. Those losses are hard, when with each passing we are the 'next' generation moving up to lead. I feel so inadequate! Congrats on quitting smoking. Man, that is an accomplishment. Two of my kids are smokers, and I see how hard it is for them to quit. You are an inspiration! So, glad Melinda nudged you back:) Hugs to you, my friend.

  2. There you are...owww i love That last picture you and your dogs....you miss my blogparty give away 😔 ..i have also a old laptop...but i make now post on my iPad ...it is hard to do because you can use not much pictures...i make a spelling fault and i can’t make the right word again because i put my pictures already ....so shit happend...my condoleance for your uncle What a sad news...and Woww stopping with smoking That is Great news....have a Nice week love love love 💕💕💕Ria

  3. Welcome back! Congrats on quitting smoking!

  4. My friend, I CANNOT tell you how excited I am to see this post.
    I am so sorry to hear about your Uncle. Saying prayers for you and your family.
    Congratulations on quitting smoking...so hard but I am so proud of you.

    And last but not least, I am glad you liked the card and that it gave you a nudge
    back to Blogging. You have been missed!

    M : )

  5. The best part of this "catch-up" is that you quit smoking - BRAVO ♥♥♥

  6. Numele meu este Lilian N. Aceasta este o zi plină de bucurie a vieții mele din cauza ajutorului pe care mi-a oferit-o Dr.saguru, ajutându-mă să-mi recuperez ex-soțul cu vraja lui magică și de dragoste. Am fost căsătorit timp de 6 ani și a fost atât de teribil pentru că soțul meu mă înșela într-adevăr și căuta un divorț, dar când am întâlnit e-mailul Dr.saguru pe internet despre modul în care a ajutat atât de mulți oameni să-și primească ex și de a ajuta la stabilirea relației. și să facă oamenii să fie fericiți în relația lor. Mi-am explicat situația și i-am căutat ajutorul, dar spre cea mai mare surpriză, mi-a spus că mă va ajuta cu cazul meu și că acum sarbatoresc pentru că soțul meu sa schimbat complet pentru totdeauna. El vrea întotdeauna să fie lângă mine și nu poate face nimic fără prezența mea. Mă bucur foarte mult de căsnicia mea, o celebrare mare. Voi continua să depun mărturie pe internet pentru că Dr. Saguru este cu adevărat un adevărat vrăjitor. VĂ RUGĂM SĂ VĂ RUGĂM AJUTAȚI DOCTOR SAGURU ACUM ACUM DUPĂ EMAIL: drsagurusolutions@gmail.com sau WhatsApp +2349037545183 El este singurul răspuns la problema dvs. și te face să te simți fericit în relația ta.


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