A quiet week

 Hi friends. 

I'm still here.

A root canal and a painful week later.

I don't look like it,
but I'm feeling awesome!

I can drink my hot coffee without wincing.

There wasn't a whole lot happening this week. 
I got some reading and cleaning done and I've been hard core into my Lent diet and exercise routine.

omg I am out of shape.

I freshened up the dining room a bit.
I've never taken the leaf out of the table and I thought it would be a fun little change to shorten it up..

I like it.  
There's less table to dust! 

I found this old picture (below) upstairs and decided to bring it back and hang it in the dining
room with the other cow pictures.

It's outdated,  but it's so beautiful.

My mother in law gave it to me for Christmas 30 years ago.

If you look at the cow there are a few hidden objects on it.

A dove on the cow's back
Mary holding baby Jesus between the cow's ears
and an angel on it's leg.

They're all in white..
See them?

Cool right?


Shipped was the February read in my book club and what I was reading this week.

I'm sad to say that I didn't care for it..
at all.

( and I think that I may be the only person who hated it)

Next up is The Four Winds,  which is am super excited to start.


That's about all that I have.
Sad right. 

Hopefully I will have some decent content for you soon.

Stay safe and healthy friends.


  1. I'm sorry to hear you've been under the weather, but glad you are on the mend! I just love the picture. I have two by the same artist. The dining room looks great. Hang in there!

  2. Excuse me, but ALL of your content is decent!
    So keep posting, because you know I am your biggest fan. Ok. Stalker. Whatever.

  3. Hang in there. I have to have another root canal soon. UGH Janice


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