comfy sweater day at the dentist

How cute is this sweater!!  

It is so big, happy, comfy and soft ....  

The perfect sweater to wear to my dreaded dental appointment .

I hate dentists...  Not on a personal level, 
 but the scraping and drilling in my mouth thing just really freaks me out!  

A few years ago my oldest daughter recommended her dentist
 and during an emergency situation I gave them a try and to my surprise,  
I wasn't as afraid anymore.
Well,  I am still afraid and tense.. 
but I will actually show up for an appointment even when I am not in pain.

It only took me almost 50 yrs to find an awesome dentist.

First, she's a woman!! Nothing against men, I love men..  but she is relatable!  
We can chat about things like good books and peeing when we cough.
Second,  She is American and that's important because there is no language barrier. 
I have been known to agree to bad procedures without fully understanding what the doctor was even saying.   

Third,  She says the funniest things while she's drilling and scaping inside of my mouth..

"I'm reading a book on how to quit drinking"
"oops, wrong tooth!"
"I'm so tired that I can barely keep my eyes open"

And Lastly, and probably most importantly, she and her team do amazing work.  

Yesterday, she "installed" a brand new molar and it feels awesome.

My face was a little swollen and sore later ,
So glad that I had on my comfy sweater...

I washed down a few Tylenol with some strong Black Eyed Susan's
and snuggled up on the sofa for the rest of the evening.

This morning,  my mouth is feeling pretty good! 
Good thing,  because I have a bunch of jobs waiting for me today!

Have a great weekend!!


  1. Cute sweater! The dentist has never really bothered me. I had the same one from the age of 8 until I was about 50. (I wonder how old he was?!) He used to let my best friend and I make our appointments at the same time and sit in chairs next to each other, haha. It was a social event to go and see him.

  2. Good for you. I am VERY bad about going to the dentist.
    Stems from when I was a little girl. So sad. I need to go
    Love the sweater.

    Happy weekend.

    M : )

  3. Don't think any of us like going to the dentist but it sure does make a difference when you get a good one that is gentle. My dentist is a woman too. Both of us go every 6 months for a cleaning and it is not so bad.

  4. Around my house, dentist is a four letter word!
    I wish I could find one like you and your daughter have!! Now, where's MY drink?


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