Snow Day

 There are no sleigh bells..  but it is sure looking like a winter wonderland on this first day of February.

I had planned on hanging out in my cozy bed and blogging yesterday,  but I couldn't keep my nose out of the window.

A decent snow finally visited us here in Baltimore!

Which also meant that I had to take a billion bird and critter pictures and bake.

( I can't find the line spacing button..  which is probably right in front of me - so pardon this weird text layout)

Do you get nesty on snow days?

I really do.  
Only during a snow day I am 100% likely to make my bed and cook a decent dinner.

I pre-cleaned and shopped in anticipation, 
even bought myself a pretty bouquet of tulips.

And the house smelled like christmas morning
with these Cranberry Orange non-muffins baking.

Want the ancient recipe'?  

I have to tell you..
dinner came from a box as well.

Have you ever had Kraft boxed spaghetti?
It is my husbands absolute favorite!!
I haven't seen it sold in grocery markets in a long time
but I can still find it in The Dollar General Store.
This dinner (x2) cost a whole $3.00!!

After dinner we made Strawberry Snow Daiquiris.
No worries... we skipped over the yellow snow.

Fresh snow can't be much worse than whatever they cook our favorite chick fila sandwiches in, 
or a vaccination...  
 So we said,  what the heck! :)

and after the 2nd one,  we didn't care.   lol


This morning it's a bit of an icy mess,  
 Our 3yr old roof is leaking and I am still wearing my pajama's.   
I might just leave them on all day and sit in the window and watch the birds.

But really,   I'm going put something good in the oven..
possible a pork lion with apples.
Clean up a bit,
and hang out in my bed, with the Titanic movie and your blogs.

Can't wait to see you all.
Happy Monday.


  1. I love all your winter pics of the birds! How do they stand the cold weather? I can't do it. I've not had a snow day since I was about 13 and living in ATL.
    Spaghetti in a box. STOP IT. I've never heard of this. I wonder if I can find it, prepare it and see if anyone notices it's different?
    Enjoy your tulips, Titanic and snuggling in.

  2. What a perfect day. A warm bed (wearing p j's most of the day is good!), beautiful snow scenes and great bird pictures (I am an avid birder so I ALWAYS enjoy seeing them) pork roast sounds yummy ...and love seeing your comfy, cozy kitchen! Ya, avoid yellow snow at all costs!

  3. Oh Leslie your snow daiquiris reminded me of us as kids making snow cones with Koolaid. How fun that was! Never heard of boxed spaghetti before. I usually stayed in my pj's all day if it snowed on the weekends. Now I work weekends at our store, so at times I just stay in them all day because I work from home. Lovely tulips! Janice


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